1. So first of all, this is how pineapples grow.

kolla / Via imgur.com
2. Two Snickers are actually just 1.5 Snickers.

3. The Krusty Krab isn’t a treasure chest. It’s a crab trap. 😧

Nickelodeon / Thinkstock
4. Did you know that the same person does the voice for Doug AND Fry??

5. And speaking of voice actors, did you know about any of this??

That’s Carlos Alazraqui (Reno 911) and Rocko from Rocko’s Modern Life, Jessica Walter (Arrested Development) and Fran from Dinosaurs, and James Avery (Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince) and Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
6. Some turtles can breathe through their anus.
7. In Back to the Future 2, Michael J. Fox doesn’t just play Marty McFly, but also his son AND daughter.

Universal Pictures
8. Did you know that cashews grow like this??

9. Or that the language that has the longest alphabet in the world is Khmer (the official language of Cambodia), which has 74 letters!
10. The name «Barbie» is actually a nickname. It’s short for «Barbara Millicent Roberts.»
11. And in case you’ve ever wondered, here’s what a young person’s skull looks like with all the baby teeth still intact.

oklahomarabbit / Via imgur.com
12. Oh, and apparently, you’re never supposed to stick Q-tips **in** your ears.

13. Everything you know about «Mambo Noo. 5» might be a lie, because Lou Bega isn’t his real name. His real name is David Loubega.

14. The entire surface area of Pluto would fit within the entire surface area of Russia with room to spare.

NASA / Via commons.wikimedia.org
15. More language facts: German is the most widely spoken language in North Dakota after English.

Rufus Young / Getty Images
16. And, apparently, Arnold has just been wearing a very oversized shirt all this time??

17. Cows have best friends, and they feel sad when they’re not around.
18. Did you know that you can’t hum when you hold your nose closed?

Serdjophoto / Getty Images
Go ahead. Try it.
19. Or that in France, people were still being executed by guillotine when Star Wars first premiered in movie theaters?

Getty Images
Meaning, in 1977.
20. How about this: When the last mammoth finally died, the Great Pyramids were already 1,000 years old.

Aunt_spray / Getty Images
21. And Cleopatra lived closer in time to the invention of the iPhone than to the construction of those Great Pyramids.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman / Via commons.wikimedia.org
22. Oh, and you’ve always pictured the pyramids out in the middle of the desert, haven’t you?

Sculpies / Getty Images
But they’re actually DIRECTLY next to the city of Giza.

Raimond Spekking / commons.wikimedia.org / CC BY-SA 4.0 / creativecommons.org
23. Did you know that, between when we first learned about Pluto in 1930 and today, the dwarf planet still hasn’t managed to completely go around the sun once?

BuzzFeed / Thinkstock
24. Oh, and in case you’ve forgotten how small and insignificant we really are…here’s Earth compared with the sun.

John Brady / Via astronomycentral.co.uk
25. But our little sun’s got nothing on VY Canis Major, one of the largest stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

Oona Räisänen / de.wikipedia.org
26. Okay, back to Earth. Did you know that all the maps you’ve ever seen are totally wrong?

Daniel RodrÃguez Quintana / Getty Images
Yep! The sizes of the countries are totally skewed. Here’s an animated comparison:
bpa77 / Via imgur.com
But there is a type of map called a Gall–Peters projection mapthat represents the landmasses on the planet a little more accurately.

lefruitbat / Via imgur.com
27. Anyway, here’s some more facts: Winnie the Pooh was actually a female bear.

Disney / Via buzzfeed.com
28. Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe are almost definitely the same person, according to this composite:
MrPhilomath / Via imgur.com
Have you ever seen them in the same movie together?
29. The Tyrannosaurus rex lived closer in time to humans than it did to the stegosaurus.

30. The order of the alphabet is actually totally arbitrary.

31. When you put your finger inside your ear and scratch, it sounds like Pac-Man.
Not really a fact but like…now you know!
32. DID YOU KNOW? The «YKK» on your zipper stands for «Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikigaisha,» which is the name of a giant Japanese zipper manufacturer.

33. Now, here’s a serious revelation:

Nintendo / Via Twitter: @NintendoUK
34. DID YOU KNOW? The dot over over an «i» is called a «tittle.»
35. Zebras can’t sleep unless they’re in a group.

Getty Images
36. There’s a scientific word to describe the secret language that twins often use with each other, and it’s called “cryptophasia.»
37. And finally, the ancient ancestors of whales used to walk on land — and they were about the size of wolves.

This article was writing originally by Buzzfeed