Janelle Monae reunited with Grimes on her new Dirty Computersingle, “PYNK.” The pair previously joined forces on “Venus Fly,” a frenetic cut off the producer’s Art Angels LP. Released today (April 10), their second collaboration is a buoyant ode to womanhood. “PYNK is a brash celebration of creation. self love. sexuality. and pussy power! PYNK is the color that unites us all, for pink is the color found in the deepest and darkest nooks and crannies of humans everywhere,” the “Make Me Feel” hitmaker said of the track. Taking things one step further, she added that “PYNK is where the future is born….”
“Pink like the inside of your, baby. Pink behind all of the doors, crazy. Pink like the tongue that goes down, maybe,” she coos over a delicate beat. Her voice grows in power as the song progresses, reaching a climax before gently fading out. The Emma Westenberg video brings the anthem to life with a celebration of all things pink. In it, Janelle and a crew of female dancers deliver some synchronized choreography in a blush-hued desert. The styling is appropriately striking, and the visual is a must-see addition to the Dirty Computercollection.
Dirty Computer is set to drop April 27 and will be accompanied by a narrative film. Details are still emerging about the visual component, but it seems possible that it will be a visual album in the style of Beyonce’s Lemonade. If so, we can look forward to more music videos in the coming months and expect them to be tied together by a unifying narrative. “PYNK” joins previously released bops “Make Me Feel” and “Django Jane.” Give the bold visual a view up top!
This article was originally published by: Idolator