Fifth Harmony casually dropped a video for “Deliver” on the weekend. The girl group channels The Supremesin their latest visual, serving old school glamor in matching ’60s gowns and gloves. It’s a simple premise, but it works well in this context. Particularly given that “Deliver” is another bop. Produced by The Stereotypes, the ladies’ latest buzz track is another R&B-leaning banger with sexy lyrics and a chorus that burrows further into your brain after each listen. This would make a great third single after “He Like That.”
While the content keeps on coming, 5H is yet to land a knock-out blow like “Work From Home” or “Worth It.” The most likely contender is “He Like That,” but it hasn’t made much of an impact on iTunes or pop radio yet. The album’s confusing rollout could be a factor. They have already released four videos and performed multiple singles on TV. It’s hard to tell what they’re actually promoting at times. Having said all that, “Deliver” is still a bop and the retro video is well worth a watch. Check it out up top.
This article was originally published by: Idolator