After a long wait, ARMY has been able to hear the song that Megan Thee Stallion was so excited to share. The rapper has teamed up with hit K-Pop band BTS to premiere the new version of Butter, a song that is hitting the charts. And so it has been. This Friday, August 27, the news of these two artists has revolutionized digital platforms and social networks in a matter of seconds. Its success has been (and continues to be) unstoppable. Megan’s rapped verses blend seamlessly with the disco-pop sound that South Koreans have brought to this song. A formula that reminds us of the one they already used in the IDOL remix with Nicki Minaj, saving the distances.
What is clear is that this new launch has been a success. In just a few hours, the song has more than 7 million views on YouTube. What madness!
Megan Thee Stallion no lo ha tenido nada fácil para poder ofrecernos este proyecto. Se ha visto envuelta en una batalla legal con su sello discográfico después de que este se negase a que esta colaboración se hiciese posible. Un enfrentamiento que ya tuvo en 2020 y que, para mala fortuna de la rapera, se ha repetido este mismo año.
Megan Thee Stallion has not had it easy at all to be able to offer us this project. She has been embroiled in a legal battle with her record label after they refused to make this collaboration possible. A confrontation that he already had in 2020 and that, unfortunately for the rapper, has been repeated this year. But the story has had a happy ending with Megan winning over her label and finally launching the collaboration this Friday, August 27. And it is that, in a matter of seconds, social networks have been filled with reactions of all kinds, although the ones that stand out are those that celebrate their premiere. Both Megan and BTS have always been very attentive to their fans. Proof of this are the inspiring lyrics that these K-Pop artists integrate into their songs and that have the aim of inspiring, above all, the youngest. His speech at the United Nations General Assembly on the importance of caring for these new generations also brought the occasional tear. For her part, a nice gesture from the rapper was the one she had with a fan who passed away and to whom she paid her funeral.